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HomeMembership Info

The Santa Clarita Valley Photographers Association is an organization dedicated to advancing the art and business of photography. Our purpose is to create an environment among photographers that will inspire each of us and to help one another grow as artists and business professionals. 

Membership benefits include the following:

Monthly Meetings, featuring
- Guest Speakers
- Photo Explorations 
- Networking with area professionals

Print Competitions
-Reduced entry fee for the big Spring competition, and member-only entry into the Digital, Folio and One-Shot competitions.

Official Website
- Access to members-only areas of the website.
- Inclusion in "Find a Photographer" listing, which includes E-mail addresses and Web page links. 

-Provides a variety of workshops to members at discounted rates presented by the experts on a number of topics.

Photography field trips
-Casual day and weekend trips to local and regional locations with other photographers.

-Email newsletters with information relating to workshops, events, and upcoming meetings.

You will have the opportunity to meet mentor photographers.
Many of our members are Professional Photographers of America (PPA), Professional Photographers of California (PPC), or Wedding and Portrait Photographers International (WPPI) members. You have the opportunity to work with different photographers at different levels: beginning to intermediate to professional.

Membership Classification and Dues:

  • Solo Membership (Adult 18 years or older) - $75 per year
  • Family Membership (Member and Spouse/SO) - $100 per year
  • Student (under age 25) - $20 per year - Proof of enrollment is required (Student ID or Enrollment Slip). Students under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Sound interesting? Sign up online now!
Alternatively, you can fill out this Membership Application and bring it with you to the next meeting you attend, along with your dues in the form of cash, check, or money order.

Be sure to check out SCVPA Bylaws