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Santa Clarita Valley Photographers Association

Who We Are

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The Santa Clarita Valley Photographers Association is a group of dedicated photographers both amateur and professional that meets monthly to learn about photography and share images. Our members are from Santa Clarita and adjoining communities. Besides our monthly meetings the group takes field trips such as the Death Valley excursion, the Cambria excursion and participates in expositions at the Valencia Town Center and City Hall. Print and digital image competitions are held at least twice a year. The majority of our members are amateurs at all skill levels of photography however some members belong to the Professional Photographers of America, the National Association of Photoshop Professionals, and other organizations.Whether you are just starting out with your first camera or are a seasoned professional, SCVPA has much to offer.

Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month from 6:45pm until 9:00pm (or so.)

We meet at:
         Sierra Hills Clubhouse
         28616 Kenroy Ave.
         Canyon Country, Ca. 91387
Guests are always welcome, come to a meeting and check us out!

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2024 Photo Collection

On Location - May 2024 Colorado Street Bridge
This slideshow shows images from member meetings and On Location

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President's Message


SCVPA President’s Message

September 2024


We are entering into the last quarter of the year. Summer is almost over and fall is soon to begin. I hope the cooler fall weather will follow. 


This month we visit the Queen Mary for our “On Location” visit, I know it is a little further away from what we mostly shoot but with the hot weather, being by the coast will be a welcomed relief. So gather up your camera gear and go visit the Queen Mary and let’s see your 5 favorite images! 


Also this month, we go to Cambria for a weekend photo shoot. We will explore the beaches, find interesting things to photograph, etc. We have 4 spots reserved at the San Simeon Creek Campground. The spots are reserved from Thursday, September 19 through Sunday, September 22nd. Dennis Goff and I set up the reservations and we are sharing the four sites. 


Our next meeting is September 10th, starting at 6:45 pm at the Sierra Hills Clubhouse. Our topic will be part two of Street Photography - back in July we went to the 3rd Street Promenade where we practiced some Street Photography - there were several of us who went down and photographed the streets, if you were one of us who went, please send me your images for review on the 10th. I will also talk about 5 additional “famous” street photographers in the photographic world. 


In October I hope to have Kevin Roznowski as our speaker, he will talk about “Concert Photography” as he currently shoots for one of the Casino’s that has several concerts every year. 


Also, starting October 1st, registration will open for the November 12th Fall Digital Image Competition. The rules will be posted soon, basically everything is the same except the registration dates with will be October 1 through 31. We will run the competition through again and will award ribbons for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, place finishers in each category, Judges Choice and Best of Show. Good luck to everyone who enters. 


Several members of the Channel Islands Professional Photographers Association (CIPPA) are friends of SCVPA, they (CIPPA) are having a booth at the Ventura Harbor Sidewalk Chalk Drawing Festival being held on the weekend of September 14 and 15th. These artist who make the chalk drawings do some incredible work and it makes for some really great photographs. Plus we can support our friends at CIPPA by visiting their photo booth. I hope to see you out there. 


I have gone back and forth with this for several months and I am decided that I will not run for re-election this spring. I have been president of SCVPA for over 10 years and I feel I need change and that it is time to give the rains of the SCVPA to someone else. I hope you will support me with this decision and starting thinking about someone to run the association after I have done my term. If everyone starts thinking about this now and we start to find a replacement our association will continue to grow and led the Santa Clarita Valley in photographic art. 


I’ll see you on the 10th! 




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